March 21, 1862
Page 2
Several deaths have recently occurred at this place among the soldiers, and a number in the various hospitals about town. Among the dead we secured the names of Richard Tench of Co. E, Capt. Stiles; Dallas Culley, Jasper McCleveland and Wm. Reed of Co. C., Capt. Skelton---all of Bryan’s 16th Georgia Regt.—a part of the Cobb Legion.
Nearly every vacant house in town, is occupied as a hospital.
The hospital of the 16th Georgia Regiment is the house adjoining the Sun office.
Since the above was in type another soldier of Col. Bryan’s Regiment has died—John W. White of Capt. Reeder’s company and Newton Wheeler, company (I), Capt. Hutchins.
Also W. H. Sibby of company D, of the Cobb Legion.
by Sharon Strout]